Why enroll to The Simple Answers Correspondence Course?

Recently many people have started commenting through Emails and asking how they can learn, from the ground up, a real grasp of what the Bible REALLY says. So I have decided to issue a Bible correspondence course. The first half-dozen lessons are written and new ones will be completed well in advance of demand.

It is a completely non-denominational course. It does not teach doctrine and it doesn't quote leaders of ANY church. In fact, in the course I try very hard not to teach ANYTHING, but just do what preachers should have done all along - let the Bible explain itself.

If you like the articles on this website, this is intended to teach you how to learn to understand things like that for yourself, out of the Bible, without learning them from someone else!

The only textbook is the Bible and the lessons don't just feed you the answers; they help you ask the questions, and then shows you where the Bible answers those questions, where you can read the answers for yourself.

There is no charge for this course *whatsoever*. It doesn't ship with self-addressed-stamped offering envelopes to guilt you into paying for it, either. It is completely free, no strings attached.

But this is a course for those who want to really study. You can't just breeze through this course and expect to learn anything. This will require that you set aside at least a half hour every day for intensive Bible study. By the time you complete this course, you will have a firm grasp of what the Bible really teaches because you'll have READ it - and read it in CONTEXT, with the other scriptures that talk about the same topic.

You can find the first sample lesson available at this link to see what you think of it:


If you wish to subscribe, send an Email to us by clicking here with your name, address, age, and briefly state your religious background (I.E., what churches you've attended), so that if you have questions as you study this course, I can answer them with an eye to where you've been.

When you subscribe, you'll receive a hard copy of lessons one and two, and then you'll receive a new lesson approximately every two weeks through the mail. You'll be free to cancel if at any time you don't believe this is helping you understand the Bible, and again, this is COMPLETELY non-denominational, not associated with any church.